In Kashmir, drug addiction has been on rise for last few years. A conservative report suggests over 2.5 lakh youth form part of addicts or affected population in valley. Out of the entire lot of affected population over 80% falls under the age group of 18 to 35 years. This presents a very grim picture of Psycho social and health status of youth in Kashmir. Mental health experts believe that given the fever rehabilitation facilities available to our youth, more and more youngsters have the tendency to get entangled to this menace. Conflict situations, depleting employability avenues, economic shut downs and frequent disasters in the region have aggravated the mental trauma among youth in Kashmir. Its imperative to mention here that the people of Kashmir lack the basic amenities of entertainment. Unless some avenues of de-stressing and psycho-social wellbeing opportunities are opened up by building conducive environments through promotion and use of sport activities, the decline in drug addiction cases is not achievable in near future. Outdoor sport is considered as one of the most effective tools for one’s physical and mental wellbeing. Promoting outdoor sport is need of an hour, and the only remedy in current days to help Kashmiri youth prosper, live stress free and a healthy life.


A young group of professionals, with an aim of promoting sports culture among the youngsters and keep them away from the drug addiction menace, came together to channelize their young energies towards positive directions and develop a culture of sportsmanship among masses. This spirit was ignited only after these young professionals fail to see any fair chance of themselves getting selected as a member of any formal sports club. These youngsters now envision providing a world class platform to the budding footballers of our valley wherein they get a chance to showcase their talent and compete at bigger platforms. A formal shape has been given to this idea of youth empowerment by organizing this group into an association of young footballers in Kashmir.


Football is viewed by many as a major sporting event in the world. The game of football has resulted to skill development in many nations across the globe and has contributed in enriching individuals. Besides, sport in general and football in particular have emerged as a single unifying factor, even in the moment of political, ethnic and socio-religious tension and feuds. Nations across the world have united behind this game. Football has bridged racial divide and brought people of other nation into a union of oneness.
Most youths are ready to defy some of the challenges prevailing in the world today such as unemployment and economic hardship, which has reduced them to the level of desperation. Most of them have given up hopes and have buried their talents and indulge in activities such as drug abuse, gansterism and banditry. It can therefore not be argued that idleness breeds crime and other numerous malpractices that can only lead to the destruction of individuals and their communities.


To carry forward our philosophy we have decided to create a football club in Kashmir and develop interest among the new generation specially the youth of valley towards this world-famous sport. We strive to provide an international quality platform, to nurture the talent at the grass root level and provide an environment where, “Players are bred, not born”.

  • Our professional team practices everyday in the morning at Islamia College Srinagar in the heart of downtown, Srinagar. 
  • Our academy is functional at Rainawari, Srinagar everyday except weekends in the evening. 
  • Our Women’s team practice every day in the morning at Govt. degree College Bemina. 

Goal and rationale

The future of every country and its related society lies in the youthful population. Investing in youth entails building a solid foundation for future leaders by maximizing their potentials. Downtown Heroes FC has come to realize that in partnership with the football governing bodies as well as other stakeholders, young people can be given a chance of making it in life through sports.  The founders and promoters of Downtown Heroes FC equally believe that young people are rough diamond whom if well polished shall shine for the whole of humanity.

 The goal of the club is to offer an opportunity for maximal development of talent in youth through training and nurturing of their talents in football, in the junior, cadet and senior categories. Moreover, the object seeks to establish an exchange visit program between the Downtown Heroes FC and Sport Institution and training centers for coaches and players the world over. Downtown Heroes FC also seeks to build youth capacity in these domain through partnership with training institutions and centres. We have therefore build an academy that shall provide the training ground for young sport men and women that shall also serve as a nursery for our national teams


In a region that does not count any industries and entertainment avenues, that constitute a source of empowerment through gainful employment, the overall objectives of Downtown Heroes FC includes:

  • Creating a community and sustainable academy in order to develop football, in this part of the world.
  • Identifying sports talents in young people and giving them a chance at making a career even away from our academy.
  • Engaging young people in physical and moral Education with a view to reducing crime rate, drug abuse as well as the fight against various other social menaces.
  • Training young people in the sustainable management of bio-diversities and environmental protection.
  • Building friendship ties with stakeholders as well as other sports oriented entities the world over and participating in activities that promote friendship, tolerance and fight against racism and all forms of discrimination.

Downtown Heroes FC also seeks to build youth capacity in these domain through partnership with training institutions and centres.

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